Huskie Exchange Part Deux

Post date: Mar 26, 2014 5:6:18 PM

The second round of Huskie Exchange will take place on Thursday, April 10th. The format of the day will remain relatively the same as the first round of classroom observations that took place back in November. You will sign up to observe a teacher of your choice during the first or second half of your planning period. During the observation you will fill out a peer observation form in order to provide the teacher you observed with your feedback. At the conclusion of the last Huskie Exchange, some teachers expressed how they would have like to have seen a little more flexibility with the observation times as far as the date of the observation was concerned. Therefore, if April 10th does not work for you, or if a time slot for someone you were hoping to observe fills up for that day, please make arrangements with that teacher to observe them at any other time during the month of April. Please refer to the Huskie Exchange page on my website or see me if you have any further questions. Thanks in advance, and have a great time observing and stealing ideas from your peers.