My Favorite Web 2.0 Links

Post date: Jul 01, 2013 9:14:8 PM

I have started compiling a list of my favorite Web 2.0 links. This list of links is applicable to any grade level or subject area and can be accessed by clicking here. I plan on updating this site quite frequently. I can make this statement with quite a bit of certainty seeing as how it takes very little effort on my end to update this particular site/blog. For instance, whenever I discover a Web 2.0 tool that I feel would be beneficial to a teacher and their students I simply bookmark it using my favorite social bookmarking app - Kippt. Once I tag the bookmark, it is automatically populated into my Web 2.0 blog without me ever having to sign into WordPress. The post will just magically appear in near real time. Everything is seamlessly automated. This feature also works well with other social bookmarking platforms such as Delicious, Diigo, and Pinterest.  As a matter of fact, this will work with any website that takes advantage of RSS.

In order to get this feature to work properly, you will need to set up a Wordpress blog with the Feed Wordpress plugin enabled. Once the plugin is turned on you will be able to paste in a web site URL or RSS feed to automatically display newly published content to your blog, hereby allowing content from multiple sites to show up on a single blog page. Imagine how awesome this would be if you were looking to have student work from multiple classes published to a single blog. For example, if a student were to go through the writing process using their personal blog, they could tag their final peer reviewed copy with the keyword "publish" or "finalcopy" and it would feed directly into your public teacher blog. That way you could have a single blog displaying the best published work from each of your classes. This would help tremendously with organization and hide any first drafts or personal narratives that a student may not want everyone reading.