Keep Vid

Post date: Nov 26, 2012 8:50:51 PM

Teachers often ask me, "What's the best method for downloading YouTube videos?" Downloading videos prior to showing them in class has its benefits. When teachers stream online videos there is always the possibility of slow internet speeds or server down time. Unfortunately, many YouTube download sites are going the way of the dinosaur. Kiss YouTube and *Dirpy have both gone extinct, and many others are in the process of shutting down.  

KeepVid seems to be the exception. This site has been going strong for some time. It is very user friendly and allows you to add a bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks bar.  If you discover a YouTube video you would like to download, just click on the Keep It! bookmark and you are instantly redirected to a site where you can download the video to your computer's hard drive.

Directions for Adding the KeepVid Bookmarklet to Chrome/IE

Dirpy Update

Update:  Note the tweet on the right - It looks like Dirpy is back up and running.  This is another great resource for downloading video files and converting video to mp3 format.