Technology Integration Survey Results

Post date: Sep 30, 2013 2:25:31 PM

A special thanks to those of you that took the time to complete the technology survey. The results have been tabulated and below is the quick and dirty break down of data.

Technology Comfort Level

It appears a fairly large percentage of the staff surveyed felt comfortable using technology and not a single teacher surveyed stated that they are not comfortable using technology. This is great news, and will allow for me to spend less time on fundamentals and focus a larger amount of my energy on implementation and pedagogy.   

Teacher Areas of Expertise

There were quite a few teachers in the building that consider themselves experts with a few of the digital tools that we use in the county. The highest percentage of teachers felt extremely knowledgeable using School Space, with the lowest number claiming expertise blogging. I plan on offering a number of training sessions this year and blogs will definitely be an area of focus for those of you interested in getting your students blogging.

Best Times To Offer Training

Most of you opted for training during part of your planning period. I will be offering training at various times throughout the year during your planning time, but will also offer some after school training as well.

Teacher Comments

Thanks again for the great feedback! I look forward to working with everyone this year. I love coming in and working with teachers on projects or just to offer a helping hand. Please DO NOT hesitate to send me an email with some dates and I will do my best to meet with you/come in to help out in your classroom.